Oh, how the mighty have fallen
You can practically hear them gritting their teeth
The Beatles proved conclusively that there were two things they could not do: play reggae and feign enjoyment. “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da” was a ska track recorded at a point during the White Album sessions when the Beatles would happily have beaten one another to death if only they had some clubs on hand. As a result, this sounds less like reggae than the desperately chirpy songs Cockneys used to sing to keep their spirits up while the Luftwaffe rained death on them during the Blitz.
Worst Moment: The woefully unconvincing laughter in the final line: “If you want some fun — heh-heh-heh-heh! — take ob-la-di-bla-da!”
Our Opinion: From “Tomorrow never knows” to this. Yes, we know John Lennon didn’t write this horror, but couldn’t he do something? Even if it was hitting Paul McCartney repeatedly over the head with Yoko Ono?
PS. Does he have no shame? Here’s “Macca” playing “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da” in 2010!