Nirvana for people who don’t like music
Officially the most hated band in the world, “the back” (as no-one calls them) announced their arrival on the music scene with this piece of grunge-lite crap.
It’s a fairly shameless ripoff of the Nirvana sound, which must have had poor old Kurt Cobain spinning in his grave. The sound of the song is almost like they had bought a plugin called “GrungeBand2000” and attached it to their computers – if there was ever music by numbers – and they are such low numbers – then this dirge like horror qualifies as top of the list. It’s perfect music for people who don’t like music, but want to ape the radical stylings of rock and/or roll.
Amazingly, Nickleback and oddly hairstyled lead singer/jerkoff Chad Kroeger (he would be called Chad, wouldn’t he) weren’t immediately executed by an outraged public, but went on to enjoy a lucrative career, proving that it’s always worthwhile pandering to the lowest common demonimator.
Our Opinion: Go screw yourself, Chad