Pink Floyd – “Breathe”

"Tonight Matthew, I'm going to be Pink Floyd"

The patient has stopped breathing

Let’s kick off our own list of the 50 Worst Songs Ever with this dreadful dirge from somnambulists extraordinaire, “The Floyd”.

It’s fitting that the video we have chosen to illustrate this example of what happens if you smoke too much weed, is from their “performance” at Live 8.

As the video starts, a sign flashes up saying “No More Excuses“. So right, there were no more excuses for lame drippy-droopy bilge like this in 1877 or whenever it came out – and there are certainly no more excuses now.

But what of the song? A barely conscious Dave Gilmour spews out such classic lines as “Breathe in the….(what could it be, Dave? Water? Marmite? Friggin’ Ovaltine?)….air”, a slide guitar or a table guitar, whatever it’s called, drones out lethargy in a musical form and…it’s no good – I’ve gone to sleep. The ironic thing is they’ll probably be playing this song when I wake up as it’s about 3 months long.

Worst Moment: The sullen silence that settles over the crowd as they realize that this is what the Dark Side of the Moon T-Shirt actually sounds like.

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