The answer to Spinal Tap’s question “What’s wrong with being sexy?”
Right Said Fred were horrible, bald novelty Brits whose one claim to fame was a song that announced they were “too sexy” for most things, from “New York” to “my cat.” Alas, singer Richard Fairbrass resembled Midnight Oil’s Peter Garrett, and was therefore “too sexy” for precisely nothing. The song spawned a welter of grating catchphrases starting with “I’m too sexy” repeated endlessly by annoying people: “I’m too sexy for my tractor,” etc. Disturbingly, the Freds, as nobody calls them, are still going.
Worst Moment: The so-called chorus, in which, instead of mumbling, Fairbrass tries to sing. Stop it. Stop it now!
Our Opinion: Oh come on Blender folk! Don’t be so cruel! Sure, its not Stockhausen, but we wont hear a word against this wonderful piece of pop nonsense! In fact, we’ll even go further and say that we love the follow up Deeply Dippy – so there!