Eagles – “New Kid in Town”

"Can you point out the man who touched you?"" It was the one on the right"

Die like an Eagle

Ah yes, Eagles – or The Eagles or whatever you want to call them. The weird thing about them and many of their 70s soft rock counterparts is that they didnt have to wait till they got to 50 to sound old and out of date. No, our avian chums managed to sound like grandpa on the rocker chair when they were, incredibly, in their 20s. People who diss Punk music might want to consider how vital its revolution was – if only to rid us of middle of the road drivel like this.

New Kid in Town sees Don Henley or Glen Fry or one of the other drongos that makes up this gang of misplaced accountants, warbling away such words of wisdom as:

There’s so many things you should have told her, But night after night you’re willing to hold her, just hold her.

Presumably the subject of the song is a deaf mute, stripped of the power of speech in some kind of wizard incident. Sadly, the rest of the song does not solve this mystery.

And before you go on about how it sounds great “cruising down the highway” in your “chevy” listening to this rubbish, understand that I have driven at 200 kmh on a German autobahn while listening to “The Robots” by Kraftwerk – so your experiences mean nothing .

In conclusion: Evil Dad-Rock that was inexcusable then as it is now.

Worst Moment: The sincere look in the eyes of Don Henley/Glen Fry/Eagle Drongo as they sing the lyrics – they really believe it, man!

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